Thursday, December 4, 2008

10:45 a.m. Kindergarten Class, Nov. 30, 2008

We had the best time catching up today on what everyone did for Thanksgiving.  We created a "fun day" with Thanksgiving crafts and games.  We discussed the pilgrims and why they came to America, along with why they felt Thankful for the freedom for religion and for God.  We enjoyed Thanksgiving Bingo, made colorful stand up turkeys, and everyone also had a choice of other fun pilgrim and indian crafts.

Additionally, we colored our mugs to have our snack in at prayer time.  We finished our special morning with Ms. Betsy joining us for music/singing time.

There is nothing better than seeing the kids actively participate, enjoying the moment, and truly understanding we have so much to be thankful for.  The children are amazing!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kindergarten 10:45 Sunday School November 16, 2008

As we approach Thanksgiving, we started our 10:45 class with a "kick-off" "Feathers of Thanks" craft and game.  Each of the kids decorated beautiful sparkly feathers with what each felt thankful for and we "pinned the feather on the turkey"!!  Also, we wrapped up our Abraham series with the story of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.  Our verse this morning was based on the servant Eliezer, sent by Abraham to Haran, who prayed to the Lord to help him find a wife for Isaac (i.e., "The Lord Hears Me, When I Pray" Psalm 4:3.)
Special thanks to Tom, our helper, and Ms. Betsy who led us with special music time this morning!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kindergarten 10:45 Sunday School October 19, 2008

We had a couple fun helpers in our class on Sunday--thank you Tom and Liz.  We were excited to start a new lesson this week on Father Abraham.  We created a miniature dessert scene of Abraham and Sarah's trip through the dessert leaving their home in the city of Ur.  In addition we made sheep and tents to add in the dessert so we could join their long journey.  We ended our lesson by playing our game board (and, of course, testing how much everyone heard in the story). Further, the game board helped the kids memorize our verse, "Obey the Lord" Deutoronomy (the book of the bible was too much of a mouthful for most :.)  Our class ended by being joined by the pre-k class for music time with Betsy!!  I think our favorite was "Hallalueia....Praise Ye the Lord" with the boys against girls.  I'd like to say the girls won, however, it was way too close to tell.  We will have to keep practicing!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kindergarten 10:45 Sunday School Oct. 5, 2008

We had a very busy fun packed morning.  We focused our class time today on the story of Noah' Ark and God's following promise to us with the "rainbow" that he would never again send another flood to wipe out the Earth.  Our group each chose an animal and we played a board game where the angels helped lead each animal to the finish line.  During our game, we had a special rainbow "jello" snack and juice.  We also made Noah's Ark boats out of juice boxes and pipe-cleaners!!

Our morning group ended by joining the pre-k class for some bible songs and singing as a group together.  One of the songs the children are working on is "1.2....1.2.3...I know that Jesus loves me" (A.B....A.B.C......etc.)  

Until next time, the kids have voted that they would really like to do the Noah's Ark Game again, but they would prefer to have more forward moving cards (rather than cards that make you go back spaces)!   Good idea!!

Until next time.....have a wonderful week everyone.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sept 21st. Sunday School

Today we learned about Moses and Pharaoh. and how Moses led the Israelites away from the slavery in Egypt. We discussed how powerful God was and how Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites go and God had to send plaques. We used toy figures and props to tell the story. We also acted out the story. One of the boys was Moses, an other boy was Pharaoh. We had Israelites and a group of boys chose to act out the different plagues. 
Afterwards we made cloth bags and decorated them-discussing the fact about how powerful God was and how the people of Israel had to trust Him when they were told to quickly flee and follow Moses, pack nothing but a very small bag to take with them.
God is more powerful than anything and will take care of us.